Saturday, May 5, 2012

Soccer Girl Probs

"Those who can celebrate Cinco de Drinko today, go drink your faces off....however, God be with those who have a game tomorrow #SGP."

After our annual pre-pre-preseason soccer meeting, one of my friends showed me a twitter account called @SoccerGirlProblems. With 93,600 followers, you know that her tweets must be hilarious, relatable, and under 140 characters. The account stemmed from a popular YouTube video called, "Sh*t Soccer Girls Say". In just under five and a half minutes, these girls are able to say all of the things that every soccer player has thought at some point or another. I would put this video right up there with the YouTube sensation, Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen or Jenna Marbles's videos. 

@SoccerGirlProblems is able to hit you on all electronic fronts... accessible on twitter, YouTube, and even on . With so much to say, they need all the web-based outlets they can get. I would really recommend watching the videos linked above and checking out their blog and twitter account. If you're in the mood for a quick laugh, check 'em out!

1 comment:

  1. Love is like a fruit. It may look good, but you shouldn't bite in it until it's ripe. Italy Euro 2012 Jersey
